I am an American poet specializing in writing haiku, senryu, and tanka. My poetry explores the complexities of emotions and our relationship with the natural world. Drawing inspiration from moments of self-awareness, I hope to help others navigate their own introspective journeys. As a poet, my goal is to encourage others to take a moment to reflect on the world as it truly is. I believe in the necessity of acknowledging oneself while keeping aware of our surroundings. Poetry, for me, is the art of living, feeling, and expressing. Through my work, I hope to encourage people to find clarity and connection in their own self-awareness moments, ultimately leading to a greater appreciation for life’s beauty and complexity.
While I don’t confine myself to one style, I draw inspiration from my experiences and emotions. I find myself drawn to senryu, exploring the depths of human existence. Nevertheless, I’ve also delved into haiku, freeform, and short-form poetry. You can read my blog by clicking the link below.
Pretty Wildflowers,
ducks and turtles coexist,
at this peaceful pond.
Yasei hana,
Kamo to kame sumi,
Heiwa ike.
私 成りたい..
Watashi na ritai..
Sakura no ki.
Hana wa Chitte mo,
isshukann kana.
Very Beautiful.
I have the desire to be...
like Sakura trees.
Even when I am falling...
even only for a week.
Kin Tsubaki.
Akogareno tomi.
Noryoku nashi.
Golden Camellia,
Yearning for wealth without the...