Gabrielle Vasquez

Gabrielle Vasquez


Gabrielle is an American poet specializing in writing haiku, senryu, and tanka. Her poetry explores the complexities of emotions and our relationship with the natural world. Drawing inspiration from moments of self-awareness, Gabrielle hopes to help others navigate their own introspective journeys. As a poet, her goal is to encourage others to take a moment to reflect on the world as it truly is. She believes in the necessity of acknowledging oneself while keeping aware of our surroundings. Poetry, for Gabrielle, is the art of living, feeling, and expressing. 


Virtual Roses

In the world of long-distance relationships, where relationships are tested and strengthened by the miles that separate. This collection of poetry captures the raw emotions of navigating the complexities of staying connected in a virtual age.

35 poems are arranged according to the emotional phases of a long-distance relationship: Highs, Neutrals, and Lows.
Click the image to Order!


Diverse styles and emotional worth whiles.

While Gabrielle doesn’t confine herself to one style, she draws inspiration from her experiences and emotions. She finds herself drawn to senryu, exploring the depths of human existence. Nevertheless, she’s also into haiku, freeform, and short-form poetry. You can read her blog by clicking the link below.



  • Bachelors In Graphic Design (Summa Cum Laude) Liberty University
  • Masters in Visual Communications (High Distinction) Liberty University

Publications & Exhibits

  • Kin tsubaki
    Kiri-e & Poetry 2023 Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures Corpus Christi TX
  • Sakura no Youni
    Kiri-e & Poetry 2024 Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures Corpus Christi TX
  • Daffodil fields for the Goddess of Vanity
    in Winter Splinter Anthology 2024 by Mays Publishing

Sample Works

Love Language:

Love language: Freedom.
Oh the love to me let live.
It's the greatest gift.

桜のように" (Sakura no you ni)
"Like a cherry blossom"

私 成りたい..

Watashi na ritai..
Sakura no ki.
Hana wa Chitte mo,
isshukann kana.

Very Beautiful.
I have the desire to be...
like Sakura trees.
Even when I am falling...
even only for a week.

金椿 (Kin Tsubaki)
"Golden Camellia"


Kin Tsubaki.
Akogareno tomi.
Noryoku nashi.

Golden Camellia,
Yearning for wealth without the...

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